Case Study: How Antimatter helps Ironclad meet the data security requirements of Fortune 50 companies

Andrew Krioukov
November 8, 2023

“We’ve had Fortune 50 customers who said they’ve never had a vendor that met their requirements so completely right out of the gate.” –John Fiedler, CISO and Head of Platform Engineering at Ironclad

In the last several years, enterprise companies have begun requesting increasingly strong data security practices from their SaaS vendors. Engineering roadmaps for meeting these demands can span years, even at the most well-resourced companies, and consume bandwidth that could otherwise be used to develop core product features.

John Fiedler, CISO and Head of Platform Engineering at Ironclad, a leading contract lifecycle management platform, shares our vision of giving customers complete control over their data. We recently worked with John and his team to help Ironclad bring best in class data control features to their enterprise customers quickly and easily, without absorbing years of engineering bandwidth.

The Challenge

Ironclad is a leading contract lifecycle management platform for in-house legal teams at companies like Salesforce, OpenAI, and MasterCard. Increasingly, Ironclad’s enterprise customers are asking for new levels of security, including per-customer encryption.

John is focused on making Ironclad the leader in contract management security, but building advanced features like BYOK and audit logging in-house would’ve consumed a significant amount of engineering time and bandwidth. John wanted to find a solution that would allow his team to exceed customer requirements on a short timeline without extra resources.

The Antimatter Solution

We worked closely with John and an engineer on his team, Nari Mulakala, to implement Antimatter’s solution in Ironclad’s infrastructure. Our work with John and Nari spanned weeks, not years, and required minimal lift from the rest of the security engineering team.

With Antimatter in place, Ironclad can now offer their customers advanced data security features like BYOK, HYOK, and a transparent, provable audit log as part of a larger enterprise security package — all with minimal impact on application performance.

Through Antimatter, Ironclad’s customers can now use a simple interface for both opting into and configuring BYOK. In most state of the art, enterprise-grade security applications, setting up BYOK requires a lengthy, complicated, highly technical process. Our UI allows users to opt-in with just one checkbox, and is easy and intuitive for both engineers and non-technical users alike.

Most importantly, Ironclad’s customers were eager to start using  these new security features. As John told us:

“Antimatter was a crucial part of making Ironclad the most secure contract solution in the market. With Antimatter’s BYOK and HYOK solutions we give our customers full control of their data. We’ve had Fortune 50 customers who said they’ve never had a vendor that met their requirements so completely right out of the gate. Our engineering team trusts the Antimatter team to make it easy for us to provably secure our customers' data.”

We’re proud to work with John and his team to make Ironclad the definitive security leader in contract lifecycle management. If you’re facing enterprise demands for advanced data security features, or want your company to be an enterprise-grade security leader like Ironclad, sign up for a demo with Michael, Beau, and me.

With Antimatter, Ironclad’s customers have the ability to revoke data access and an extra layer of protection against data loss. We’re currently working on the next step towards total data control: a platform to manage what forms of data are used for data science, analytics, and LLM training and deployment. Learn more and sign up for early access to our private beta.